Outlook Banner2 v4

Harbour Outlook: A volatile month for bond markets, equities follow

Key points
The MSCI All Country World Index returned -5.7% over the month in New Zealand dollar-unhedged terms, and -1.8% over the quarter. Returns for the month were slightly less worse in New Zealand dollar-hedged terms, down -4.7% for December. However, the dollar-hedged returns were up strongly (+7.0%) over the quarter.

The New Zealand equity market (S&P/NZX 50 Gross with imputation) held up well relative to other develop...

Harbour sails 2
Harbour Team | Posted on Jan 11, 2023
Banner 4 2020 v2

Top 10 risks and opportunities for 2023

Investment markets generally have many different factors that drive returns, however occasionally there are very few. 2022 will go down as the latter. Inflation was the dominant theme for 2022, creating an unenviable backdrop for bond markets as central banks raised rates to try and combat rising inflation. Equity market valuations fell sharply adjusting to higher discount rates.

While we pointed out the risk of inflation b...

Hamish Pepper, Chris Di Leva | Posted on Dec 15, 2022
Outlook Banner3 v6

Harbour Navigator: Despite significant falls, NZ houses are expensive relative to incomes

Despite a 12% decline from last year’s peak, we think New Zealand houses are still significantly overvalued based on historically high price-to-income ratios and mortgage repayment costs.

The currently tight labour market is usually a positive influence on house prices but is currently being overwhelmed by very low rates of population growth, high mortgage rates and ongoing increases in housing supply. We expect this dynamic ...

Mark Brown
Mark Brown, Hamish Pepper | Posted on Dec 9, 2022
Outlook Banner2 v3

Harbour Outlook: Have we hit peak hikes? Earnings risk to come?

Key points
The MSCI All Country World Index returned 0.8% over the month in New Zealand dollar-unhedged terms, and 6.0% in New Zealand dollar-hedged terms.

The New Zealand equity market (S&P/NZX 50 Gross with imputation) finished the month up 1.9%, whilst the Australian equity market (S&P ASX 200) rose 6.6% in Australian dollar terms in the month, and 4.4% in New Zealand dollar terms.

Generally, bond yields fell over the mon...

Lewis Fowler 2
Lewis Fowler | Posted on Dec 8, 2022
Outlook Banner3 v5

The RBNZ seeks to “cool the jets”

NZ interest rates pushed higher this week after the RBNZ revealed it now expects to take the OCR to 5.5% given its greater concern about high inflation and a tight labour market.

While this action may bring inflation back towards its 1-3% target band more quickly, it may also push the economy into a deep recession next year.
As the economic damage from higher interest rates becomes more evident, we expect the RBNZ to bec...

Hamish Pepper | Posted on Nov 25, 2022
Outlook Banner3 v4

Harbour Navigator: Another reason the RBNZ should slow hikes

New Zealand bank funding costs are likely to rise over the next 1-2 years as the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) unwinds its liquidity provision measures introduced in response to COVID-19.
As financial system cash reduces, banks will look to attract alternative sources of funding. Therefore, retail interest rates will likely be pressured higher, independent of any changes in the OCR.
We think this ought to encourage a more...

Hamish Pepper | Posted on Nov 14, 2022
Outlook Banner3 v3

Harbour Navigator: Local or global share markets - where to invest?

In New Zealand, most of our wealth is invested locally in the property market, share market and in New Zealand dollars. There are many factors that have driven this, ranging from wanting to invest in companies we know and trust, a preference for “real” bricks and mortar assets through to ease of access. Though one could make a case today that the latter may no longer ring true with both direct global shares and global share fu...

Chris DL web
Chris Di Leva | Posted on Nov 11, 2022
Outlook Banner2 v2

Harbour Outlook: Share markets bounce on better earnings

The MSCI All Country World Index returned 3.2% over the month in New Zealand dollar-unhedged terms, and 6.0% in New Zealand dollar-hedged terms.
The New Zealand equity market (S&P/NZX 50 Gross with imputation) finished the month up 2.5%, whilst the Australian equity market (S&P ASX 200) rose 6.0% in Australian dollar terms in the month, and 2.7% in New Zealand dollar terms.
Generally, bond yields rose over the month with globa...

Chris DL web
Chris Di Leva | Posted on Nov 8, 2022
Outlook Banner3 v2

Banks can survive mortgage servitude, but business exposure provide tail risk

Unemployment, not house prices, is the most important determinant of bank asset quality; a key factor for bank profitability and creditworthiness.
For now, housing mortgage arrears are very low, and the banking system appears structurally well prepared for a typical household loan-loss cycle.
Benign outcomes on bank loan-losses could be challenged if the consensus view that we are facing an almost exclusively household loss cy...

Simon Pannett
Simon Pannett | Posted on Oct 13, 2022
Outlook Banner2

Harbour Outlook: Inflation constrained

Key points
The MSCI All Country World Index fell -2.0% over the month in New Zealand dollar-unhedged terms, and -9.0% in New Zealand dollar-hedged terms.
The New Zealand equity market (S&P/NZX 50 Gross with imputation) finished the month down -4.6%, whilst the Australian equity market (S&P ASX 200) fell -6.2% in Australian dollar terms in the month, and -4.0% in New Zealand dollar terms.
Bond yields rose over the month with Ne...

Lewis Fowler 2
Lewis Fowler | Posted on Oct 10, 2022