
Banks make a start on new capital

A new capital security issued on Tuesday night by Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac) has highlighted the lack of higher-yielding opportunities available for New Zealand-based investors.

Banks fund the loans they make from deposits, bonds and shareholders’ contributions.  In Australia, that’s also the order in which funds are repaid in the event of default.  To go into further detail, there’s also a class of securities that...

SP web 17 v2
Simon Pannett | Posted on Jul 18, 2019
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Secular changes are benefitting global growth investing. Are they here to stay?

Key points:Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), growth stocks have outperformed value stocks significantly. This follows a long period of outperformance for value.
Whilst the “tech bubble” made some investors weary of technology and growth companies, valuation levels for tech companies today are significantly lower than 20 years ago. Further, investors should look at the earnings certainty of industry incumbents through th...

CDL web
Chris Di Leva | Posted on Jul 12, 2019

Harbour Outlook: Finely balanced, markets walking a tightrope

Key points Trade tensions again dominated the headlines during June, while the “truce” reached at G20 summit mitigated some left-tail event fears, there is plenty yet to play out and the outcomes are likely to be non-binary. 
Trade tensions and a string of softer than expected economic data led global yields lower in June. 
In line with the global trend, domestic data erred on the side of disappointing with low PMI and busines...

Harbour sails 3
Harbour Team | Posted on Jul 5, 2019

Sustainability is Good for Returns

Harbour has been a signatory to the UN Principles of Responsible Investing since 2010 and is also a member of the Responsible Investing Association of Australasia.

Harbour is adding sustainability as an investment mega trend in our equities process
We continue to find integration of ESG factors is a positive factor for returns
An additional overlay of sustainability as a mega trend influence may provide better interaction an...

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Shane Solly | Posted on Jun 27, 2019

Interest Rates Race to Zero?

Yields on fixed interest securities, which have been falling sharply all year, took another surge lower last week. The 5-year swap rate, a good proxy for market rates in New Zealand reached 1.36%, down from 2.20% at Christmas 2018 and 2.65% a year ago. That’s a record low level for NZ bond yields. The primary catalyst last week was a signal that the US Federal Reserve is close to cutting rates. They are joining the central ban...

Harbour sails 8
Harbour Team | Posted on Jun 24, 2019

Responsible investing and equity returns

There is a growing awareness that stock returns are influenced by Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations.  As a long-term proponent of incorporating ESG factors into our assessment of companies, Harbour is delighted to have been involved in Armillary Private Capital’s annual review of returns of the NZ listed sector for 2018 that was released last week.

This is Armillary Capital’s ninth annual Return on Cap...

JW web 17
Jorge Waayman | Posted on Jun 20, 2019

Harbour Outlook: Trade tensions impact global growth

Global equity markets retraced from their highs in May with the MSCI World index (in local currency) returning -6.0%. Risk aversion picked up almost entirely due to the breakdown in trade talks between the US and China. This resulted in the US increasing tariffs on US$200 billion of Chinese goods; China promptly retaliated. 

New Zealand and Australian equities weathered the volatility in global markets well...

Harbour sails 7
Harbour team | Posted on Jun 11, 2019
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5G to enable new technology platforms

Investors need to factor in the opportunity and potential disruption of new technology and changing consumer preferences for mobile and fixed broadband communication. Fifth generation mobile networks (5G) provide a transformational shift in the telecommunications landscape. Why is this change so important?

It enables new technologies, like driverless cars, mobile medicine, the Internet of Things
It may accelerate the transiti...

Harbour sails 4
Harbour Team | Posted on Jun 10, 2019

Housing Market Risk Reduced

"Dad still can’t work out how he got it so cheap. It’s worth almost as much today as when we bought it".
- Dale Kerrigan, from cult Australian Film, The Castle

With the median Melbourne house price down 10% from its peak, many Victorians will be envious of the value held by Darryl Kerrigan’s Strathmore home.  And even more envious Sydneysiders with house prices down 15% in the largest city (according to Core Logic). 

In our...

Harbour sails 3
Harbour Team | Posted on May 28, 2019

Harbour Outlook: More bright spots emerge

Global equity markets continued to strengthen in April with the MSCI World index (in local currency) returning 3.8%. Markets were buoyed by the trifecta of a strong US earnings season, signs that Chinese stimulus have had a positive economic impact and, perhaps not unrelated, eurozone growth rates coming in above expectations...

Harbour sails 8
Harbour Team | Posted on May 8, 2019