
Harbour Outlook - Volatility Strikes Back

Key points

Financial market volatility has increased in recent months but still remains relatively low by historical standards.
While the macroeconomic data continues to point to a strong US economy, we are expecting the US Federal Reserve to be more cautious and data dependent as they approach more neutral interest rate settings.
While US-China tensions are likely to be a source of volatility as news headlines emerge, we exp...

Harbour Team | Posted on Dec 7, 2018

The Third Scenario – The End of Goldilocks

While the RBNZ expects to keep the OCR on hold through 2019 and into 2020, in their past two Monetary Policy Statements they have outlined two alternative scenarios: one with stronger inflation pressures; and another with softer economic growth. In our view, the market is currently underestimating the chances of a third scenario, which is a combination of both stronger inflation pressures and softer economic growth.

One of th...

Harbour sails 1
Harbour Team | Posted on Nov 15, 2018

Postcard from Colorado – outdoor retailers

Harbour’s Managing Director Andrew Bascand and Senior Research Analyst Oyvinn Rimer travelled to Denver, Colorado for the Retail Outdoor conference.

Why did we attend the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market?

The Outdoor Economy in the U.S. alone is 3x bigger than the entire GDP of New Zealand
The Outdoor Economy is growing and is a source of global growth
Trade war and tariffs are impacting on the Outdoor Economy directly

Harbour sails 1
Oyvinn Rimer, Andrew Bascand | Posted on Nov 14, 2018

US mid-terms election results: it’s now Blue and Red

With Andrew Bascand on a company research trip in Denver, Colorado, he has shared his on the ground views of the US mid-term election results and their implications.

My impression is that the US equity markets are fairly sanguine following the US election result because right now it is not about the politics – the economic data remains helpful and on track for the economic expansion to continue through 2019.  The mid-terms ou...

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Andrew Bascand | Posted on Nov 9, 2018
Webbannertest v2

Outlook: Equity Market Pullback

Key developments

For much of the year, the main theme has been global bond yields inching higher as US Federal Reserve continues normalising interest rates; while at the same time equity markets also moved steadily higher, supported by solid global growth. However, finally in October equity markets experienced a noticeable and widespread pullback.

Chart 1. Equity market levels since the beginning of 2018

The New Zealand eq...

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Harbour Team | Posted on Nov 6, 2018

ESG is good for your wealth

Public interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and the ensuing demand for these to be incorporated into investments has been noticeably increasing over time. In the eight years since Harbour Asset Management became a signatory to the UN Principles of Responsible Investing, a sea change has occurred as more fund managers seek to incorporate responsible investment approaches.  Increasingly, the expectation ...

Harbour sails 2
Harbour Team | Posted on Oct 24, 2018

Investment Horizon: Harbour Macro Research Day

Our internal Macro Research Day is a chance to re-visit the research that anchors our medium-term view.
Locally, we expect economic activity to moderate rather than slow sharply, and the RBNZ to remain on hold for a considerable time ahead to provide the best chance for core inflation to lift above 2%.
Globally, we see interest rates rising, but with monetary policy still supportive for financial markets while global inflation...

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Harbour Team | Posted on Oct 17, 2018

Outlook: Low Local Interest Rates

Key developments

In September we saw a continuation of the theme of low local interest rates in New Zealand, in a broader global environment where bond yields overseas have crept higher. This provided support for the local fixed interest and equity markets, while the NZ dollar remained at its recent low levels.

The tone in global markets has remained relatively cautious, with worries about trade tensions, pockets of strain ...

Harbour sails 3
Harbour Team | Posted on Oct 5, 2018

Global Equity Growth: Investment Opportunities in the global market - T. Rowe Price

Scott Berg has developed an incredible investment performance history at T. Rowe Price since taking the helm of the Global Equity Growth Fund nine years and eleven months ago. Today, T. Rowe Price manages more than $1.5trn New Zealand dollars. There is a trend towards more concentrated global equity portfolios. With 130 to 150 stocks from across more than 30 countries, Scott’s portfolio bucks this trend. Diversification is a key tenant of Scott’s philosophy and is underpinned by his admission that he expects to get a handful of projections wrong each year. Scott made a number of projections for 2017 that didn’t transpire, yet the NZ PIE Fund outperformed its benchmark by over 10%; fairly strong support for Scott’s approach...

Harbour | Posted on Sep 24, 2018

Harbour Navigator: Postcard from China - The eCommerce growth model

I visited China last week and met with companies and commentators to dig beneath the data and get a sense of the current issues.

We visited many malls and shopping centres. In particular we went to mother and baby stores to experience the consumer in action, and witnessed the new eCommerce model. We also visited “wet markets”, hired bicycles with WeChat, and saw progress with a2’s new Chinese-labelled product. We saw first-ha...

AB web 17 v3
Andrew Bascand | Posted on Sep 14, 2018